Integrable systems and applications

  • 12 September 2022 - 16 September 2022
  • 10.00 AM
  • All talks and poster sessions held in U020, Schofield Building, 海角社区 University


Local organisers: Evgeny Ferapontov, Karima Khusnutdinova

Programme Committee: Gennady El, Barbara Prinari

Invited Speakers:

Deniz Bilman (University of Cincinnati, US), On universal wave patterns in rogue wave formation
Gino Biondini (University at Buffalo, US),
On one-dimensional reductions and integrability of the Whitham equations for the Kadomtsev- Petviashvili equation
Jerry Bona (University of Illinois Chicago, US), 
KdV in a quarter plane: asymptotic periodicity and mass transport
Sonia Boscolo (Aston University, UK), 
Control of complex nonlinear wave dynamics in dispersive systems by machine learning
Roberto Camassa (University of North Carolina, US)Some issues in the mathematical modeling of internal wave propagation
Maciej Dunajski (University of Cambridge, UK), Elizabethan vortices
Gennady El (Northumbria University, UK), 
Generalised Riemann problem for soliton gas
Sergey Gavrilyuk (Aix-Marseille University, France),
Soliton limit for the Whitham modulation equations for the BBM equation
Mark Hoefer (University of Colorado Boulder, US)Modulated multiphase waves in soliton - mean flow interaction
Rossen Ivanov (Technological University Dublin, Ireland), 
Integrable systems on symmetric spaces
Robert Jenkins (University of Central Florida, US),
Connecting different models of soliton gases
Christian Klein (University of Burgundy, France), Numerical study of Davey-Stewartson systems
Yuji Kodama (Ohio State University, US), 
KP solitons and algebraic curves
Boris Konopelchenko (University of Salento, Italy), 
On the fine structure and hierarchy of gradient catastrophes for the multi-dimensional homogeneous Euler equation
Boris Kruglikov (UiT The Arctic University of Norway), 
On geometry of higher dimensional dispersionless integrable equations
Antonio Moro (Northumbria University, UK),
Statistical ensembles, nonlinear differential equations and integrability: from mean field models to hydrodynamic chains
Miguel Onorato (University of Turin, Italy), 
Thermalization vs integrability in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou chain
Alfred Osborne (Nonlinear Waves Research Corporation, US), Two Fundamental Properties of Nonlinear Integrable Wave Equations with Hamiltonian Perturbations
Lev Ostrovsky (University of Colorado Boulder, US), Joint effects of rotation and topography on internal solitary waves
Emilian Parau (University of East Anglia, UK), 
A dissipative Nonlinear Schroedinger model for wave propagation in the marginal ice zone
Barbara Prinari (University at Buffalo, US), 
Inverse Scattering Transform, solitons and soliton interactions for the complex coupled short-pulse equation
Michael Shearer (North Carolina State University, US), The Dispersive Riemann Problem for the BBM Equation
Matteo Sommacal (Northumbria University, UK), Integrability, instabilities, and the onset of rogue waves
Alexander Tovbis (University of Central Florida, US),
Recent developments in spectral theory of soliton gases for integrable equations
Raffaele Vitolo (University of Salento, Italy), Projective geometry of homogeneous second-order Hamiltonian operators
Derchyi Wu (Academia Sinica, Taiwan), Stability of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili multi-line solitons

Scope: This is a satellite workshop of the Isaac Newton Institute programme  It aims to bring together leading experts in the field of nonlinear waves, dispersive hydrodynamics and the relevant mathematical techniques. We plan a combination of research and review talks emphasising the key concepts, ideas and problems in a way accessible to any qualified mathematician / PhD student in the field.


Click the link below to download the programme:

Programme (Final Confirmed Version)

The programme will consist of about 26 invited talks. Lectures will take place in the room U020 in the 

Social Programme:

On Wednesday 14 September 2022 there will be an excursion to followed by the Poster Session and Drinks Reception in the foyer near the room U020 in the Schofield building. Conference Dinner will take place at 7-9pm on Thursday 15 September 2022 at Here is the  on a map.

Abstracts (Final Confirmed Version)

Participants (Final Confirmed Version)

Campus map


Recommended arrival and departure dates:

11 September 2022 (any time) and 16 September 2022 (after 3pm)

Off-campus accommodation:


University of Cambridge, Research Councils UK, CMI, London Mathematical Society, Rothschild, 海角社区 University

Local contacts

E.V. and


‌Registration, on-campus accommodation and conference dinner bookings deadline for all participants: 31 July 2022

There will be no registration fee for this conference, but all participants are asked to register and book using the link below:

Contact and booking details

Evgeny Ferapontov
Telephone number
+44 (0) 1509 223 309
Booking required?
Booking information
Book now