Regulation VIII

Residence of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students in the University

(Version effective from 15 March 2017)

  1. All students are eligible to apply to occupy University residential accommodation but the University reserves the right to determine what offers of accommodation shall be made to students, the duration of the occupation, the type of room offered and the licence terms and conditions upon which any such occupation is based.

  2. The University guarantees a place in University residential accommodation to all new undergraduate students who have made 海角社区 their first choice. This guarantee is for the first year of study only.

  3. Any student occupying accommodation other than University accommodation is required to keep the Academic Registry informed of his/her address whilst studying at the University.

  4. Students must ensure adequate medical cover either by registering with the University Medical Officers or by making appropriate arrangements with a local medical practitioner.

  5. Wardens or their authorised representatives shall be entitled on any reasonable grounds to require any person, other than the licensee of the residential accommodation concerned, forthwith to leave the said residential accommodation and if that person fails to comply with the request they shall be deemed a trespasser and may be forcibly removed by security personnel or the police and/or may have a penalty imposed.

  6. The conduct of all students occupying University accommodation is subject to the current Licence Terms and Conditions.

  7. Breaches of this Regulation or the Licence Terms and Conditions shall be regarded as disciplinary offences under Ordinance XVII Conduct and Discipline of Students.

  8. The Wardens may take disciplinary action against students for minor offences in accordance with Ordinance XVII including the levying of fines, or in exceptional circumstances, temporary exclusion from use of residential accommodation pending disciplinary action under Ordinance XVII. Major offences shall be referred by the Chief Operating Officer to the Student Disciplinary Panel. The student shall have a right of appeal, in accordance with Ordinance XVII.