
Accessing support for 海角社区 London students.

Stalking is unwanted, intrusive behavior and can take many forms including unwanted gifts, following, photographing, letter writing or digital stalking, such as unwanted comments on social media.

Stalking behaviours cause people to feel frightened and isolated and are normally committed by someone that you know.

Have you experienced stalking at University?

There are different reasons and motivations for stalking behaviour. Even if the behaviours are to gain attention or considered a joke, if it is unwanted behaviour from anyone, whether an intimate partner, ex-partner, or a unknown person, it can be a criminal offence.

What if this is happening to me now?

As stalking is a criminal offence, we would encourage you to report incidents of stalking behaviour by calling 101. If you feel immediately in danger and you require an urgent response call 999.

If you’ve been affected by crime, call the East London Victim Assessment and Referral Service on freephone 0808 168 9291, then dial 2. Lines are open 8am-8pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm on Saturdays.

You can also contact your local Victim Support victim care team in East London on 0203 910 9040. Lines are open 9am-5pm Monday to Friday.

Alternatively, you can contact Victim Support via live chat - the normal operating hours are from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

If you need support outside of the open hours, call the Victim Support Supportline for free on 08 08 16 89 111 or request support via their website.

Tell someone

Opening up to a trusted friend or family may help, you might also want to talk to a member of Student Services staff or Student Welfare team or member of Security. Telling someone that you are being subject to stalking means you are no longer managing this alone.

Take digital security seriously

Who has access to your phone and laptop? GPS and tracking software? Is your location enabled on social media apps such as Snapchat or Facebook? These are all questions to consider when assessing your personal digital safety. If you need support and think someone may have accessed your device, please visit the Student Services desk. They will help or signpost you to someone who can.

Vary your route and use a buddy system

Link up with a friend or buddy, change your route into campus and think about varying your hobbies or social life for a period. Consider other personal protection options, like having emergency phone numbers in your mobile and knowing where you could access support on your route into and around campus, for example your nearest police station.

Emotional support

Experiencing stalking is frightening and isolating, accessing emotional support is important to help you process your experiences.

Collect evidence

Using a log (example below) to collate evidence is empowering and helps build a case against the person who is exhibiting stalking behaviours.

An evidence log could contain the following:

  • Date and time
  • Location (if relevant)
  • What happened?
  • Any evidence?
  • Did you contact the police? What did they do?
  • Impact of the incident
  • Changes as a result of this incident
  • Impact on the children or others?

What will the University do?

A member of Student Welfare, will listen and offer emotional and practical advice. Every individual experience is different, and we will assess your situation. If the alleged perpetrator is another student, you may choose to take disciplinary action.

We can support you by helping with adjustments to study or sit exams, submitting Mitigating Circumstances claims, making a safety plan, accessing services like Student Advice and Support for housing or financial support or accessing help from external agencies such as The Suzy Lamplugh Trust.

More information or advice

For more information or advice you can speak to a member of Student Welfare by completing a report via our Online Incident Reporting Portal.