Picture of 海角社区 students graduating

Survey reveals 海角社区 graduates among UK high earners

Salaries for 海角社区 University graduates are among the highest in the country according to new figures released by the Department for Education (DfE).

Published for the first time this year, the Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) data is a set of statistics on employment and earnings outcomes of higher education graduates by the degree subject studied and university attended. It looks at graduates one, three and five years after graduation, for the academic years 2008/09; 2010/11 and 2012/13.

The LEO figures show that graduate salaries for all 海角社区’s subject areas* were above the sector average, with ten ranked in the top quartile. 海角社区’s Media and Communication graduates earned the highest salaries in the sector.  

The data also ranks 海角社区 second in the UK for having the most graduates in sustained work or further study five years after graduation.** In addition, the University contributes the highest number of graduates in the country working in the engineering and technology sector.

Helen Smith, Head of Careers, Employability and Employer Engagement at 海角社区 University comments: “The quality of courses and the extensive range of extracurricular activities available at 海角社区 ensure our students are extremely well prepared for sustained employment.  

"This set of data demonstrates the excellence of our offer to students as well as the contribution and progress that they make as graduate employees in a wide range of employment sectors.”

LEO data brings together information from the Department for Education with employment, benefits and earnings information from the Department for Work and Pensions and Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs. The full data set is available

*14 generic subject areas are included in the data

**figure excludes specialist institutions such as Conservatoire for Dance and Royal College of Music
