Privacy policy

This privacy policy sets out how 海角社区 University Nursery (The Nursery) obtains, manages, and uses your data. All data is held securely and in compliance with the GDPR/Data Protection Act 1998.

If you have any questions about how we use your data please contact us by email or write to us at The Data Protection Officer, Imago Venues, 海角社区 University, 海角社区, Leicestershire, UK, LE11 3TU.

Where we get your data

We hold data for our legitimate interests, to fulfil our legal contracts with you, and with your explicit consent.

Much of the data we hold comes directly from you – this includes your personal details, and information about your child including medical history.

We also hold data that has been created by The Nursery, for example the reports of child development that Ofsted require us to produce.

We all have a responsibility to safeguard children under the Children Act (1989) and Working Together (2010). The Nursery is subject to the direction of the Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Children Board. Where reporting is required, we are obliged to keep records. We are also obliged to keep data on children who are subject to care plans or other social care orders, and to pass this data to relevant authorities where required. This data may then be shared by LRSB with other agencies in accordance with the Leicestershire & Rutland Information Sharing Agreement (ISA) for the purposes of Safeguarding Children.

Types of data we hold

The information stored and processed by The Nursery may include:

  • Contact details including address, email, next of kin, phone numbers
  • Information about your child including medical history, allergies or dietary requirements, progress reports, toileting and feeding records, sleep charts, care plans, SEND status and requirements
  • Details of your trusted persons to collect your children or be notified of any accident or injury, if you are unable to attend
  • Accident and incident records including home incidents
  • Safeguarding reports
  • Photographs – we take photographs of children undertaking activities, for their progress reports, for our own records, and on occasion for our publicity materials or website, or as an arranged session for you to purchase a photo of your child (like a school photo). Photos will not be taken without your explicit consent, and no photographs will be published without your explicit consent. No unauthorised photography, including using a mobile phone, is permitted in Nursery premises.

How we use your data

The Nursery processes your data in order to fulfil its contract with you as a service user and for the wellbeing of your child.

If you are eligible for a University subsidy, we will share your data with University HR or Student Finance to confirm your eligibility, and to ensure you receive the subsidy. If you are eligible for Care to Learn funding, we are obliged to share your data with the local authority to ensure you receive the funding.

The Nursery uses Famly Software an Ofsted Early Years-compliant to administer its services, including secure online service, to record child progress reports. Your child’s record is shared with you via this service.

The Nursery uses the Leicestershire County Council Children and Families Service Provider Portal to submit required information about your child’s education.

Who has access to your data?

The Nursery management team and administrator have access to your contact details and financial records (for invoicing purposes) on Famly.

Nursery staff allocated to your child’s room have access to your child’s progress/development reports and emergency medical information.

Your child’s key worker, room leader and Nursery Management have access to children’s SEND requirements, care plan or care order requirements, if any are in place.

As required by law The Nursery may also provide information to relevant authorities such as the police, HMRC or the HSE.

How your data is maintained

You can update your data at any time by contacting the Nursery Manager or Administrator. It is your responsibility to ensure that The Nursery has accurate data to fulfil its contract with you and for the protection of your child’s welfare.

The Nursery is obliged to keep some data for statutory limits to fulfil its legal obligations as a Nursery Provider, for example, a record of your child’s successful attendance at this education setting as evidence they have attended school.

Some anonymised data is kept indefinitely for research and monitoring purposes.

Your rights

You may request details of personal information which we hold about you under the Data Protection Act 1998. If you would like a copy of the information we hold please ask the Nursery Manager.