
Water Engineering and Development Centre

What our students say

Find out what current and recent students think about the programmes

We asked a few of our students from a number of countries questions relating to their study to let us know what they think about our distance learning programmes.

Open the questions to find links to the podcasts.


Further quotations from our students

“Professionally, I am a more disciplined person. Due to my enhanced capacity in the WASH sector, my career growth has been steady over the last three years from a Water and Sanitation Engineer to a Project Manager and now currently a Senior Programme Coordinator. I am optimistic that more is yet to come.”

“An extremely interesting course. I have greatly increased my understanding of the fundamental issues relating to management in a developing country context as well as boosting my personal confidence. This is paying dividends in my work and in people’s opinion and confidence in me!“

“It was a great experience ... and I have fully enjoyed and benefited from the course materials provided for various modules.” “Well structured, clearly presented.” “A very useful experience.”

“The programme has benefited me to significantly improve my technical capacity in all dimensions of water and sanitation fields. The programme has helped me to plan, implement and monitor WASH activities in a more effective manner. I have supported technically other partners working in my area through provision of training, designing of WASH facilities and planning and responding to WASH emergencies.”