Professor Diane Gyi

PhD Ergonomics at 海角社区 University
MSc Ergonomics Human Factors at 海角社区 University
DipCoT Occupational Therapy at Oxford Brookes University

Pronouns: She/her
  • Professor of Applied Ergonomics and Design
  • Director of Doctoral Programmes (School of Design and Creative Arts)

Research groups and centres

Professor Diane Gyi’s healthcare background and knowledge of theory and practice has enabled her to champion design ergonomics, to achieve comfortable, effective and healthy design solutions. Technological advances means that people are no longer tied to their desks, chairs, vehicles and workstations (with obvious health benefits) – this provides an opportunity to innovate and ensure that design reflects complex systems and the changing ways people live and work.

Her research has involved collaborations with over 60 organisations in grants to the value of over £3.5 million. Applications have covered topics as diverse as autonomous vehicle interiors (for changing occupant needs - work, leisure, health and wellbeing), automotive seating innovations, healthy ageing at work, the older driver experience, and inclusive/accessible transport design.

She is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF) and a Member of CIEHF Professional Affairs Board. Other invitations of merit include membership of the Dunhill Medical Trust (DMT) Research and Grants Committee (2017-21); the Human Factors Strategic Group – East Midlands (Sept 2015-18); and the EU Standards Committee ‘Aircraft Seats’ - ASD-STAN D1S7 (2012-2015). She was an Editor for Applied Ergonomics (2007-13) and has continued on the International Editorial Boards of both Applied Ergonomics (since 2007) and the International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (since 2005).

She is also a reviewer for several other international journals (e.g. Ergonomics, Design Journal) and has been invited to serve on advisory/scientific committees for international conferences and continues to review research grants for research bodies including the British Council, Chalmers University (scientific assessments), DMT and the Swedish Knowledge Foundation.

Current and recently funded research projects include:

  • Life on board the autonomous vehicle of the future (EPSRC CASE award)
  • Designing a fatigueless driving seat (EPSRC CASE award)
  • Investigating a new (more inclusive) driving posture (KTP/TSB award)
  • Vehicle ergonomics and older drivers (EPSRC DTG award)
  • Building healthy construction workers (Age UK)
  • Re-inventing the toilet (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
  • Working Late: ageing productively through design - facilitating healthy ageing at work through design (JRC New Dynamics of Ageing)
  • Driving out back pain in business drivers (The BUPA Foundations)