Laura Borrie

  • Doctoral Researcher
Start date: July 2019
Primary supervisor: Dr Jamie Kenyon
Secondary supervisor(s): Professor Paul Downward / Cath Harvey

Laura graduated from the University of Leeds in 2018 with a BSc (Hons) in Sport and Exercise Science (International). This included a year of studying at the University of Western Australia. After graduating, Laura worked for a programme aimed at educating young people, and their families, about physical activity, healthy eating, and emotional wellbeing. Following this, Laura made the decision to re-join academia to undertake postgraduate research and was awarded a studentship to begin her PhD journey at 海角社区 University in 2019.


Research Title: Developing Graduate Attributes through Sport-based volunteering: an impact study on the Coach and Volunteer Academy 

Volunteering in sport is arguably sold to young people as a way to enhance their employability however policies promoting volunteering, at both a national level and individual institutions, are often based on anecdotal information as there is a lack of empirical research. Therefore, this study aims to understand if, and how, volunteering in sport helps university students to develop graduate attributes, underpinned by human and social capital.

Featured Publications

  • Borrie, L, Kenyon, JA, Downward, P, Harvey, C (2022). Measuring the impact sport-volunteering has on university students' development [Abstract]. In 30th European Sport Management Conference (EASM 2022); Book of Abstracts of the 30th European Sport Management Conference 2022, Innsbruck, Austria.