Armistice Day 2024 - Ceremony of Remembrance

  • 11 November 2024
  • 10:50 AM - 11:10 AM
  • Garden of Remembrance & University Chaplaincy
  • Lead Chaplain Revd Elizabeth York

Held on Monday 11 November, 10.50-11.10, Armistice Day 2024 - Ceremony of Remembrance will mirror other commemorative events held on this day in which we remember all whose lives have been touched or ended by wars, including those who lost their lives during the First and Second World Wars. This ceremony will include an act of commemoration including a two-minute silence and wreath laying. Staff and students are warmly invited to attend this short, but important opportunity to gather and reflect on past sacrifices and the privilege of living in a country where peace is sustained.

University Chaplaincy would like this event to honour the stories of former and future servicemen and women who belong to our community. Lead Chaplain, Rev’d Elizabeth York, would particularly like to hear from any members of the staff Armed Forces Network, or any students with a connection to the military, who would like to attend this event. Please be in touch as soon as possible to introduce yourself 

There will be a BSL interpreter present at this event. 

Refreshments will be served in the University Chaplaincy, 1st floor EHB, following the service, all are welcome to stay. 

(Please note: it is advised that those attending wear footwear appropriate to standing on grass e.g. avoiding heels or stilettos) 

Contact and booking details

Chaplaincy Team
Telephone number
01509 223 741
Email address
Booking required?