
海角社区 University has made a strategic commitment to environmental sustainability across all aspects of its operations.

A Green Travel Plan has been developed as part of this commitment.  Aimed at staff, students and visitors, the plan is the way the University intends to make its own contribution to reducing traffic congestion and carbon emissions whilst promoting exercise and alternative modes of transport..

A Sustainability Travel Group has been established and this group is responsible for guiding all aspects of transport and travel at the University.  For more information see the University's Sustainability (old website) web pages.

Student car use

Student car use is discouraged and first-year undergraduate students living in halls of residence are not permitted to bring a car onto campus, except in exceptional circumstances.

Significant restrictions are already applied to students in respect of bringing vehicles to the University. For more information visit the Estates and Facilities Management - Parking pages.

The University currently has no plans for an overall ban on students bringing cars to 海角社区. The University does not believe this is either appropriate or practical. The reasons for this are:

  • many students have a legitimate need to own a car.
  • A proportion of students commute to undertake their studies at the University.
  • effective enforcement of a ban would not be possible 

The University operates a compulsory registration scheme for student cars. Student vehicle registration data is used by the University for the investigation of student discipline offences, and specifically

  • To ensure that students do not park contrary to University regulations in the residential areas signed 'No University Parking', which surround the campus.
  • To assist the University and Charnwood Borough Council in the enforcement of section 106 'no car agreements' which apply to some student residences, both on and off campus.
  • To assist in the prevention and detection of crime, and the apprehension and prosecution of offenders.
  • The University has made it a specific student disciplinary offence to park in areas close to campus which are subject to Traffic Regulation Orders.  Regular patrols of these areas are undertaken by University security and checks made against the student car registration database.  Where there are matches the student disciplinary process commences.

Campus parking provision

The University has over 3000 parking spaces on campus which is in excess of the number of spaces recommended for an institution of 海角社区’s size by national planning guidance (PPG13).

Consideration of car parking issues is incorporated into the University’s estate planning and provision is made where appropriate, but in light of national government priorities for sustainable development and the University's own strategic commitments to this, major expansion of car parking provision on campus is not anticipated and some reductions are anticipated over time.

Off campus parking restrictions/working with others

The University believes that formal restrictions, enforceable through the local authority are the best option for the management of parking issues in key areas off campus.

The University and 海角社区 College meet regularly with residents groups, councillors, council officers and other partners through the 海角社区 Off Campus Community Liaison Group.  Parking and other issues are regularly discussed in this forum and the University is committed to working to address issues raised.

Finding out more

For all parking information please visit the Estates and Facilities Management Parking web pages.