Conditions of office applying to Hall Wardens

1. Termination of Employment

A Warden wishing to terminate his/her office of Warden, is required to give 1 term’s notice in writing to the Director of Student Services. Should the University wish to terminate the tenure of office of a Warden, for any reason other than gross misconduct, or the fact that their substantive position with the University has ended, he/she will be entitled to 1 term’s notice, except during the probationary period. Such notice, on both sides, to be given before the first day of a term to expire on the last day of that term.

2. Probation

The initial period of appointment shall normally include a probationary period of one year. Where the University deems it necessary to terminate a Warden’s office, at or before the end of the probationary period, the amount of notice given shall be 4 weeks, except in the case of gross misconduct. Upon successful completion of the required period of probation, the appointment of a Warden shall be confirmed.

During the probationary year, Wardens are required to satisfactorily complete a designated first aid course, in addition to any other mandatory training determined by the University.

3. Performance & Development Review (PDR)

All Wardens will have an annual Performance & Development Review (PDR).

4. Grievances

Should a Warden have any grievance relating to their position as a Warden they should raise the matter with the Senior Warden in the first instance. Failing resolution at this stage, the issue may be raised with the Director of Student Services. A Warden may be accompanied by a University Union representative or a colleague at any formal grievance hearing.

If a Warden is not satisfied with the Director of Student Services’ response, or he/she is unable to adjudicate in the matter, he/she may appeal to the Chief Operating Officer, whose decision will be final. There is no further right of appeal.

5. Disciplinary Procedure

In the event of formal disciplinary action being considered necessary in relation to the position of Warden, the matter will be dealt with by the Director of Student Services. Any appeal against resulting action should be sent to Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development within 14 calendar days of the action being taken. As the role of Warden is not employment, Wardens are not covered by the University’s Disciplinary Policy and Procedure.

6. Candidature

Applicants for Warden positions should normally be graduate members of staff.

A satisfactory reference must be obtained from the current line manager and Head of Department before a new Warden’s appointment can be confirmed. In addition, the Head of Department will need to agree that some flexibility will be allowed in order that the Warden is able to respond to emergencies during the working day.

Applicants will also be subject to a Disclosure and Barring check. Any Warden arrested or convicted on a criminal charge during their term of office, must report the details to the Director of Student Services.

7. Duration of Appointment

A Warden is appointed on a fixed term contract for a period of initially 5 years with the possibility of a further extension up to 7 years in total (upon satisfactory completion of the period of probation), subject to the requirement that the Warden remains an employee of 海角社区 University, in a substantive position. (NB: this does not include the position of Warden).

8. Residence

For the better performance of duties, a Warden must occupy accommodation provided by the University, which will normally be on campus. Such accommodation shall be provided on a rent free basis. A relocation allowance of

£400 may be payable to a Warden at the University’s discretion, as a contribution towards the costs of taking up residence in University property. On the termination of the appointment for any reason, the Warden shall vacate and give up possession of the accommodation at the direction of the University.

All Wardens are required to inform Charnwood Borough Council, by letter, of their employment/student status and the precise dates of occupancy of the property, including details of any adults resident in the accommodation.

Details should be sent to:

Benefits and Revenues
Council Southfields
Leicestershire LE11 2TX

Please note that, under current Council regulations, full-time research students are not required to pay Council Tax, but they must still provide this information to the Council.

9. Moving accommodation and/or hall

The University has the right to require a Warden to move accommodation and/or hall with a minimum of one term’s notice, except in emergencies.

10. Duties and Responsibilities

  • Wardens shall be generally responsible to the Director of Student Services in the discharge of their duties. The Warden shall have the overall responsibility for the welfare and discipline of the students in the allocated Hall, within University procedures and shall undertake such administrative duties as may from time to time be assigned by the Director of Student Services.
  • Appointments as Wardens carry with them membership of the University Wardens Committee (Ordinance XXII)
  • Appointment to the office of Warden is additional to the appointee's substantive appointment in the University and no appointment as a Warden shall serve to vary or amend the terms, conditions or duties attaching to the appointee's substantive appointment. In any case where a Warden's duties or responsibilities are considered by the Head of Department to detract from the performance of his/her substantive appointment, the matter shall be referred to the Vice-Chancellor, or nominee, for resolution.
  • Although the position of Wardens as ‘office holders’ is not regarded as conferring employment status, for the avoidance of doubt, in relation to health and safety, Wardens will be asked to sign a waiver with respect to the 48 Hour rule contained within the European Working Time Directive and the UK Working Time Regulations.

11. Emoluments

The Warden's accommodation will be provided free of rent and utilities charges. Carpets and curtains will be provided for the living rooms, hall, staircase and landing. Should the accommodation contain an upstairs study, that room will be similarly part-furnished.

The University will be responsible for the external maintenance of the accommodation and for the maintenance and repair of services within the accommodation, but the Warden will be personally responsible for its internal decoration and other maintenance and for the remainder of its internal furnishings.

Charges for telephone rental and business calls will be paid by the University, but the Warden will be responsible for paying for all personal calls. Wardens will be issued with a private telephone call statement from the Finance Department once a quarter and the amount will be deducted via the payroll.

The Warden of a fully catered Hall will be provided, during term time, with daily meals in the Hall and will, during term time, be expected to take meals with the students in Hall. The Warden may be accompanied by his/her spouse or civil partner when dining in Halls.

The Warden of a non-catered hall will be provided with a meal allowance of £515 per annum which will rise in line with the annual increase in the cost of catering in catered halls.

The Warden will be entitled to a non-pensionable honorarium which will be reviewed annually by the University, plus a non-pensionable additional allowance per student in Hall.

N.B. Some associated benefits eg heating, lighting, free meals, telephone etc may be liable to taxation and are subject to the conditions determined by HM Revenue and Customs, including such amendments as may be made from time to time. Wardens are responsible for their personal tax affairs and the maintenance of associated records.

12. Other Conditions

In addition, compliance with the following University policies is required which may be viewed at the following website:

Policy on Equality & Diversity, including Code of Practice on Harassment and Bullying Equality, diversity & inclusion

IT Acceptable Use Policy

Data Protection Policy