Other types of leave

The University is committed to ensuring that employees are able to balance work and home commitments and to ensure equality of opportunity. It is recognised that there are a number of circumstances, both planned and unplanned which may require an employee to take time away from work in addition to normal annual leave provisions. These are summarised below:

Compassionate leave


This is for employees who have suffered a bereavement of a close relative (defined as a spouse or partner, child, stepchild, grandchild, parent, step-parent, parent-in-law, grandparent, brother or sister, stepbrother or stepsister, or brother or sister-in-law) or need to attend to urgent family affairs or because of the prolonged illness of a family member.
It is also for employees who are experiencing trauma as a result of a protected characteristic, e.g. race or religion to allow them time to seek help, advice and support. Ill health related to such trauma must be dealt with through the sickness procedure.

Leave period

Leave of up to two weeks can be approved by the line manager. If an employee doesn’t feel able to approach their manager they should contact their HR Partner. If the absence is due to trauma connected to a protected characteristic, it is expected that the time off requested will be granted. Where a manager feels this is not possible, they must contact the Director of HR Services before responding to the employee.
Leave in excess of two weeks is at the discretion of the Dean or Director. If an employee feels unable to request the time off to their Dean or Director, they should contact the Director of HR Services or the Chief Operating Officer/Deputy Vice-Chancellor.

Unpaid leave


Employees may apply for a period of leave, wherever it is possible to do so, which is unpaid. 

Leave period

  • Up to 4 weeks’ unpaid leave can be granted at the discretion of the Director/Dean
  • Leave in excess of 4 weeks must be approved by the Deputy Vice- Chancellor for RTE and SSA staff and the Chief Operating Officer for all other staff

Approval procedure

  • Applications should be submitted at least three months before the first day of the proposed period of leave, where possible.

Jury service


Jury service is an important public duty. Employees may be selected and summoned to consider the outcome of a criminal trial in Crown Court.

Leave period

  • Paid leave of up to 2 weeks to attend as required by the court
  • Must attend work on any day or part days when not in court
  • For anything over 2 weeks the court pays an allowance to cover loss of earnings. Your pay remains throughout, although any allowances paid by the court should be reported to Payroll. 

Approval procedure

  • Employees must inform their line manager as soon as notified of jury duty and provide a copy of the letter
  • Employees must send the Courts Loss of Earnings form to Payroll
  • Employees must send the court’s remittance advice form to Payroll
  • For any queries contact Payroll

Civil or public duties


Types of public service covered are Magistrate, Local Authority member, Justice of the Peace, Statutory Tribunal member. (Election Presiding Officer/Clerk or Election Counting Assistant are not eligible).

Leave period

  • Up to 15 days' paid leave a year
  • Timing of the leave must be with agreement of the Director/Dean.

Approval procedure

  • This should be discussed with their line manager
  • Employees must notify their manager, on appointment, if they hold membership/office or if they are seeking membership of such organisations during their employment

Volunteer reserve forces


This is for employees who are volunteer military reservists, for the Army, Navy or Royal Air Force.

Leave period

  • Up to 2 weeks’ unpaid leave a year to attend mandatory training camps
  • Timing in agreement with Dean/Director 

Approval procedure

  • This should be discussed with their line manager

Reservist call up


This is where an employee who is a reservist may be called upon to supplement the regular armed forces when required.

Leave period

  • If mobilised, make a claim from the MoD, who will continue to pay towards the employer’s pension contribution
  • Once service is complete the employee will be able to return to their position

Approval procedure

  • Reservists will be sent notification 28 days’ in advance if they are being mobilised.  The reservist must contact their line manager as soon as possible to let them know the situation
  • For any queries with regards to their pension contact the Pension Department

Family leave

For details of leave relating to Maternity, paternity, adoption, shared parental leave, parental leave etc, please see the the family leave page.

Family leave

Trade union duties

For details of time off relating to trade union activities please see the Partnership and Recognition Agreement for 海角社区 University and its campus trade unions - UCU, UNISON and UNITE, please see the trade union duties page.

Trade union duties


For details of leave relating to volunteering, the Volunteering – Employer Supported Volunteering (ESV) Policy is available on the volunteering page.


Fertility Leave

Please refer to family leave page.

Family leave