Skilled worker visa

Guidance for prospective employees, current employees, recruiting managers and administrators

This page provides guidance and information to assist perspective employees, current employees and recruiting managers / administrators on the Skilled Worker visa route.  If your questions remain unanswered after reading the below, please contact the Recruitment and Resourcing Team who will be pleased to assist you.

General recruitment information can be found under the recruitment & selection administration guidance.

Following the UKVI implementation of the Immigration Points Based System, when referring to overseas nationals this now includes EU/EEA nationals if they did not arrive in the UK prior to 31 December 2020. 

Overview of the skilled worker route

From 1 January 2021, the Immigration Points Based system was launched and the Skilled Worker visa replaced the Tier 2 (General) visa.  It provides a sponsored route for all overseas nationals (excluding Irish nationals) to live and work in the UK.  In order for a candidate to apply for a Skilled Worker visa the University must sponsor them, by assigning a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) and comply with specific sponsoring requirements set out by the UKVI. 

In conjunction with reading the below, recruiting managers/administrators can watch our Webinar which highlights the main changes and key principles of the new Points Based System including the Skilled Worker route.

Who is eligible for a skilled worker visa?

For an overseas individual to be eligible for a Skilled Worker visa, they must meet the criteria below by obtaining 70 points.  The table below shows clearly the criteria required by the UKVI, and that the criteria in step 1 is mandatory and all 3 must be met, whereas step 2 is tradable, and if the role does not meet the required salary of £38,700 or the minimum occupation code ’going rate’ salary, whichever is higher, to gain 20 points, this can be offset by any of the other options, for example the possession of a PhD in a STEM subject for a lower salary.


Mandatory or Tradeable


Offer of job by approved sponsor



Job at appropriate skill level



English at required level



Salary must equal or exceed £34,830 and 90% of the going rate of the occupation code (PhD is a subject relevant to the role)



Salary must equal or exceed £30,960 and 80% of the going rate of the occupation code (PhD in a STEM subject)



Salary must equal or exceed £30,960 and the going rate of the occupation code (shortage occupation)



Salary must equal or exceed £30,960 and 70% of the going rate of the occupation code (new entrant)



To check if you could be eligible for a Skilled Worker visa, please use the Gov.UK calculator linked below. Please note, in advance of using the calculator, you will need to know and be aware of the following;

  • Salary offered.  
  • The eligible occupation code and ‘going rate’ (Research Associate is occupation code 2162 and for an academic role is occupation code 2311). If you are unclear on the occupation code, please contact the Recruitment and Resourcing Team.
  • If the job is a shortage occupation on the Immigration Salary List.
  • Meet the English language requirements.
  • Hold a PhD in a relevant subject to the job or a STEM subject.

We would advise to check you are eligible prior to applying unless you have another means of obtaining your right to work in the UK. 

If you have any questions in relation to eligibility for the Skilled Worker visa for a particular role then please contact the Recruitment and Resourcing Team.

Skilled work visa - New entrants

A 'new entrant' criteria means the applicant is a new entrant to the labour market, near the start of their career, who meets certain criteria.

In order to score tradeable points as a 'new entrant', the applicant must meet at least one of the following requirements:

  1. The applicant is under the age of 26 on the date they apply for the Skilled Worker visa.
  2.  The job offer is a post-doctoral position (where a PhD is listed as an essential requirement on the Job Description) in one of the following occupation codes:
    • 2111 Chemical scientists
    • 2112 Biological scientists 
    • 2113 Biochemists and biomedical scientists
    • 2114 Physical scientists
    • 2115 Social and humanities scientists
    • 2119 Natural and social science professionals not elsewhere classified
    • 2162 Other researchers, unspecified discipline
    • 2311 Higher education teaching professionals
  3. The job offer is in a UK-regulated profession and the applicant is working towards a recognised professional qualification for that profession.
  4. The applicant is working towards full registration or chartered status with the relevant professional body for the job they are being sponsored for.
  5. The applicant is a recent UK graduate, or is expected to graduate soon, and meets the following additional requirements:
    • The applicant’s most recent permission (other than as a visitor) was under the Tier 4 (General) or Student route.
    • That permission must either be current, or have expired less than 2 years before the date they apply for the Skilled Worker visa.
    • In that permission, the applicant must have been sponsored to study one of the following courses (not any other qualifications of an equivalent level):
      • UK bachelor’s degree
      • UK master’s degree
      • UK PhD or other doctoral qualification
      • Postgraduate Certificate in Education
      • Professional Graduate Diploma of Education
    • The applicant must have either:
      • completed the course; or
      • be applying for the Skilled Worker visa no more than 3 months before they are expected to complete the course (an exception applies to PhDs); or
      • be studying a PhD and have completed at least 12 months’ study in the UK towards that PhD qualification.
  6. The applicant’s most recent permission, other than as a visitor, was under the Graduate route. That permission must either be current, or have expired less than 2 years before the date of the Skilled Worker visa application.

Applicants can be new entrants for a maximum of 4 years. The 4 years includes time spent in any Skilled Worker, Tier 2 (General) or Graduate route. An applicant cannot be considered as a ‘new entrant’ for only part of the time they are applying for.

Important information for recruiting managers / administrators

Genuine vacancy requirement

The Resident Labour Market test (RLMT) has been abolished and replaced with the requirement to demonstrate a genuine vacancy. 

As defined in the Home Office Sponsor guidance a genuine vacancy is one which:

  • requires the job holder to perform the specific duties and responsibilities for the job and meets all of the requirements of the relevant route.
  • does not include dissimilar and/or predominantly lower-skilled duties.
  • is appropriate to the business in light of its business model, business plan and scale.

The Home Office are clear that we still need to evidence that the role is a genuine vacancy and that the salary and skill level match the job description. 

Although previous RLMT requirements called for 28 days’ advertising, this is no longer a requirement and a minimum of one week’s external advert (in line with 海角社区 University policy) is now required.

Evidence of meeting the requirement of a genuine vacancy will be collected and retained by the Recruitment and Resourcing Team, but the Team will require a copy or summary of the interview notes for the successful candidate prior to assigning a Certificate of Sponsorship.  

What is a certificate of sponsorship

A Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) is assigned to a prospective employee once a job offer has been made and is used to support their Skilled Worker visa application. If the job is a fixed term contract, the CoS will be assigned for the same duration as the contract. There is no longer a maximum period of time that an employee can hold a Skilled Worker visa for, and they can still apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain after 5 years.

There are two types of CoS’s:

1) Defined CoS

Defined CoS’ are assigned to individuals currently living outside of the UK. The Recruitment and Resourcing Team will apply to the UKVI, who will grant or deny their request for a CoS. Once granted, the Recruitment and Resourcing Team will prepare and assign the CoS. This process can take up to two weeks.

2) Undefined CoS

The University is granted an annual allocation and can assign an Undefined CoS provided all the criteria have been met and are used for:

  1. New employees who are inside the UK and switching from another immigration category.  You can 'switch' into the Skilled Workers route from a range of visa categories (e.g. Dependent, Graduate or Student visa), including from another Skilled Worker visa if you are employed by another employer as they are not transferable.   Further information on switching immigration categories can be found below.    
  2. Existing employees requiring extensions to their visas.

The Recruitment and Resourcing Team or HR Services Team, depending on if they are a new or existing employee, will prepare and assign the Undefined CoS. 

Recruitment process for a sponsored employee

Academic and research roles such as Lecturers / Senior Lecturers, Research Associates and Research Fellows can be allocated a PhD level occupation code. For immigration purposes, there is no requirement for the job description / person specification to include a PhD as an essential criteria in order to be allocated the PhD level occupation code or to be eligible for PhD tradeable points. The HR Services Team will be able to confirm to you if a PhD is required for certain roles from a job evaluation perspective.

Upon receipt of a contract request, the Recruitment and Resourcing Team will ascertain the immigration status of the candidate and whether sponsorship is required. The Recruitment and Resourcing Team will check the individual’s eligibility for the Skilled Worker route and that the role meets the necessary salary and skill level.

If a candidate will need to use their PhD in order to meet the minimum points threshold for a Skilled Worker visa, the Recruitment and Resourcing Team will contact the Recruiting Manager / Administrator to ascertain how the candidates PhD is relevant to and required for the role to include on the CoS. 

The Recruitment and Resourcing Team will require a copy of the interview notes for the successful candidate and two references prior to assigning a Certificate of Sponsorship.    

The Recruitment and Resourcing Team will liaise with the candidate to obtain the required documents to enable them to assign a CoS;

  • Scanned copies of their passport (including current UK visa, if applicable).
  • Degree certificates (including translations, if applicable).
  • If a candidate is using their overseas PhD to meet the Skilled Worker criteria, they will also be required to obtain a reference number from Ecctis (UKVisas and Nationality Service). 
  • Evidence of English language, if applicable.
  • ATAS certificate, if applicable.    

For further information on the English Language requirements and ATAS, please see the Skilled Worker Visa Application section.

If an open-ended position is being offered, the candidate will be asked what duration of visa they wish to apply for, taking into account any previous sponsorship on Tier 2 (General)/Skilled Worker within the UK.  Please note that an NHS immigration health surcharge is also payable on top of the standard visa application fee.

The Recruitment and Resourcing Team will issue an ‘offer before contract’ subject to a Skilled Worker visa being granted.  Once all the above documents have been received, the Recruitment and Resourcing Team will either apply to the UKVI for a Defined CoS or assign an Undefined CoS via the UKVI sponsorship management system. 

The Recruitment and Resourcing Team will send the CoS to the candidate via e-mail and the candidate will use the CoS reference number on the visa application.  The Recruitment and Resourcing Team will ensure the recruiting School / Department are kept informed throughout the process. 

Once the candidate receives the visa, the final start date can be agreed with the Recruiting Manager and an appointment is made to report to the Recruitment and Resourcing Team to see original documents and complete their right to work check.  Upon completion of the right to work check and seeing all original documents, the individual will receive a full contract of employment. 

In such circumstances where a right to work check cannot be completed prior to their first day of employment, please contact the Recruitment and Resourcing Team to discuss further.  No work of any nature is permissible in advance of the right to work check, which includes induction, uniform issuing and preparation work.

Please note: Failure to produce original documents for the right to work check will result in the individual being unable to commence work on that day.  The employment start date and pay will be delayed until the documents have been checked.

Skilled worker visa application

English language evidence

If the candidate does not hold a UK degree or if they are not a national of one of the countries listed below, they will be required to evidence that their English Language meets the required level.

The UKVI guidance states the following and we strongly recommend that the candidate either obtains the two letters referred to below or undertakes the English Language test as the visa application may be rejected without this evidence.

Knowledge of English can be proven by either:

  • passing an approved English language test with at least CEFR level B1 in reading, writing, speaking and listening.
  • having an academic qualification that was taught in English and is recognised by Ecctis (UK Visas and Nationality Services) as being equivalent to a UK bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or PhD.

We would recommend the following separate routes, either are acceptable by UKVI.

i)  Contact Ecctis (Visas and Nationality Services) to obtain confirmation that their degrees are recognised as equivalent to a UK bachelor’s or master’s degree or PhD evidenced by a Statement of Comparability letter and taught in English to the relevant standard evidenced by a the Visas and Nationality Services English Language Assessment letter (2 letters in total),


ii)  Take an English language Test – approved centres can be found below. It is important that the test certificate issued contains a UKVI reference otherwise the UKVI may reject their visa application.

ATAS certificate

Certain individuals will be required to obtain an ATAS certificate prior to applying for their Skilled Worker visa.  Please note, if an ATAS certificate is required and the visa application is submitted without it, the visa will be refused.  For further information on ATAS for workers and if an ATAS certificate is required, please refer to the ATAS guidance. It is important to factor in the time it will take to obtain an ATAS certificate when identifying a work start date.  

Costs associated with a skilled worker visa application

Certificate of sponsorship 

Human Resources will pay for the Certificate of Sponsorship.

Immigration skills charge

If applicable, Human Resources will pay the Immigration Skills Charge at the time of assigning the CoS. Further information on the Immigration Skills Charge is available below and a list of occupation codes that are exempt including PhD level occupation codes 2162 and 2311 used for Research Associates and academic roles.

Immigration health surcharge

The individual is responsible for paying the NHS Immigration Health Surcharge for themselves and any dependents as part of their visa application. Further information on the costs of the NHS Immigration Health Surcharge are available below.    

Visa application fees

The individual is responsible for paying the visa application costs for themselves and any dependents. Further information on Skilled Worker visa application fees is available below.   

Financial requirement

海角社区 University is classed as an A-rated sponsor and as such can ‘certify’ the maintenance of sponsored candidates.  This means that the University provides a guarantee that the new sponsored employee will have enough money to support themselves for the first month of employment and it will not be necessary to submit any evidence of funds as part of their visa application. They will be unable to claim state benefits.

Change of employment for current sponsored employees

If a sponsored employee moves into a new role within the University which is in the same occupation code as their existing role, a new Skilled Worker visa is not required.  However, the HR Services Team are required to report any changes to job title, work location and salary to the UKVI in line with our sponsorship compliance duties.

If the new role is within a different occupation code (for example moving from a Research post to a Lecturer post) a new Certificate of Sponsorship is required together with a new Skilled Worker visa application.  Please note that the employee is unable to commence in the new role until the new Skilled Worker visa has been granted and Human Resources have completed a right to work check.  The employee may continue to work in their existing role provided their current visa has not expired until the new visa has been received.

Process for extending current sponsored employees

Any extension to contract will be subject to receipt of a new Skilled Worker visa.  The HR Services Team will liaise with current sponsored employees approximately 3 months prior to the end of their certificate of sponsorship ending to ascertain if their sponsorship will need to continue.  In some circumstances where the employee is on a fixed-term contract, the extension to contract may not be approved until nearer the time.  In this case, the HR Services Team will liaise with the employee once they have accepted the new contract and arrange for a new Certificate of Sponsorship to be produced if they are continuing with the Skilled Worker route.   If the current member of staff decides to pursue a different immigration route, such as indefinite leave to remain or Global Talent, please ensure the HR Adviser is kept updated as we are responsible for reporting any changes to immigration status in the Home Office’s sponsorship management system.    

With the expansion of the Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) requirement to include workers and temporary workers, we must ensure the employee that we are extending after this date has an ATAS certificate before they apply for further leave to remain in the UK, if applicable.  Further information on ATAS and if it is applicable can be found below.  We need to bear in mind that the process of obtaining an ATAS certificate can take at least 6 weeks, therefore we need to ensure that the application is submitted in plenty of time to ensure the visa application is not refused or delayed.

The HR Services Team will email the employee a new Certificate of Sponsorship for them to use with their visa application. Further information on extending Skilled Worker visas can be found below.  Provided the visa application has been submitted prior to the current CoS expiry date, the employee may continue to work.  The employee must provide a copy of their visa application and UKVI payment acknowledgement.  With their permission, the HR Services Team will then submit an Employer Checking Service (ECS) application to the UKVI before the current CoS expiry date to obtain a Positive Verification Notice (PVN) which allows the individual to continue working whilst their visa application is in progress.  Once the visa is granted, the employee should contact the relevant HR Adviser in the HR Services Team as soon as possible for an online sharecode check to be completed.

Employee and line manager compliance responsibilities

Employee Compliance Responsibilities

The University is delighted to be your sponsor but must comply with extremely strict Home Office requirements in order to retain our licence to sponsor international talent.  We are grateful for your cooperation and understanding of the need to comply with these requirements and the consequences which may be imposed upon the University and sponsored visa holders for failure to comply.

When you report to the Recruitment Officer prior to your employment, you will be requested to read and sign an Employee Compliance Responsibilities Form which sets out the responsibilities of Skilled Worker sponsored employees as detailed below.

Reminders of these requirements will be issued to you on an annual basis during the course of your employment.

Contact details

You must ensure that your line manager and Human Resources have up-to-date contact details for you at all times, including your home address, home phone number and mobile phone number.  It is imperative that you update these details in my.HR immediately if any of these details change.  You must also notify your HR Adviser within the HR Services Team, if you know you are travelling to an area where you cannot be contacted (such as going on a field trip to a remote location) and advise of a time that you expect to be back in an area where you can be contacted.  During a Home Office compliance visit, the University must show that it holds your most up-to-date contact information.

Reporting to UKVI

The University is required to report the following to the Home Office:

  • Failure to attend on the first day of work and any reason given for the failure.
  • Any periods of unauthorised leave in excess of ten consecutive working days.
  • A change in job title, duties, hours and work location.
  • A change in salary (including salary changes due to maternity, paternity, adoption, sick leave and industrial strike action) but not salary changes due to University-wide pay increases.
  • If leave early before the Skilled Worker visa expiry date (e.g. if you resign, have your funding withdrawn, or are dismissed).
  • A change of immigration category, for example, switch to a Global Talent visa or granted indefinite leave to remain in the UK.

It is extremely important that you report any proposed changes to the information recorded on your Certificate of Sponsorship to your HR Adviser within the HR Services Team immediately and before any changes are agreed or take effect.

In addition, sponsored visa holders are not permitted to take unpaid leave in excess of one month in any twelve month period from January to December (except in the case of maternity, paternity, adoption, shared parental leave and sick leave).

In the event of the University having to report unauthorised leave in excess of ten consecutive working days or unpaid leave in excess of one month to the Home Office, the University will consider whether it is appropriate to withdraw sponsorship. The University reserves the right to withdraw sponsorship in these circumstances. It is therefore imperative that you ensure that all leave (paid or unpaid) is recorded correctly in your Outlook calendar.

In addition, activities which require you to be away from the University for a week or more, as well as any instances of working overseas should also be recorded in your Outlook calendar. Permission to view your calendar should be given to your line manager. In the event of a UKVI compliance visit you may be required at short notice to provide this information.  Annual requests will be sent requesting a summary of your absences for audit purposes.  In the event of your absence, the line manager will be approached.

Additionally, the Outlook calendar containing your movements will need to be retained for a reasonable period of time after your employment ends. If employment ends (for whatever reason), a full summary of your absences will be required. 

Changes to your immigration status

The University is required to report to the Home Office if you change your immigration status which means that the University is no longer your sponsor (e.g. if you obtain Indefinite Leave to Remain, a Global Talent or dependent visa, or any other form of immigration status which is not sponsored by the University).

Please ensure that you report any changes in your immigration status to your HR Adviser within the HR Services Team immediately.

Line manager compliance responsibilities

As the line manager of a Skilled Worker sponsored employee you are responsible for ensuring that they follow the above sponsored employee compliance responsibilities and that you ensure that they report any changes to their immigration status to the HR Services Team, HR Adviser immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a Skilled Worker visa cost?

The cost of a Skilled Worker visa depends on the length of visa, if you are applying from within or outside of the UK and if the job is on the Immigration Salary List.  As part of the visa application, you must pay an NHS Immigration Health Surcharge.  Further information on how much the Skilled Worker visa costs is available below.

What is the minimum skill level to obtain a Skilled Worker visa?

The minimum skill level for the job must be at least A Level or equivalent.  The skill level for any role is determined by an occupation code, each job is matched against an occupation code as per the Immigration Rules Appendix Skilled Occupations and will determine whether sponsorship is eligible. The ONS Occupation Coding Tool is useful for identifying the relevant occupation code.

How do I find if a role is on the Immigration Salary List?

Please follow the link below to find an up to date list of shortage occupations for the Skilled Worker visa route.

How long does the process of obtaining an Ecctis reference take?

This can take up to 15 working days from the date Ecctis receive the necessary documents and payment from the individual. Please factor this in when deciding a CoS work start date.

How can I obtain help with my visa application? I am unsure about some of the questions on the application and the documents I am required to submit.

The Recruitment and Resourcing Team can offer advice on questions relating to the content of the Certificate of Sponsorship and can provide useful links to the UKVI website guidance. If you are in any doubt regarding the content of your visa application, it is recommended you seek independent legal advice as any rejection of your application could result in the loss of any visa application fees. The Home Office have some guidance on locating an approved Immigration Adviser.

I am employed by another employer on a Skilled Worker visa, can I apply for a job at 海角社区 University on this visa?

New prospective employees holding a Skilled Worker visa with another employer should note that visas are not transferable between one employer to another. The University will assign a CoS to be used for a new visa application.  You must present your new visa before employment can commence.  You can continue working for your current employer whilst your new application is in progress provided your current visa has not expired. 

I am a new member of staff who has applied for a Skilled Worker visa. Can I claim visa expenses as part of my relocation package?

If you are relocating from outside the UK and meet the qualifying criteria, you will be able to make a claim towards these expenses. The relocation expenses policy can be viewed below. Relocation expense claim forms are processed by the relevant HR Adviser for your School or Department. Details of who to contact can be found below.

I have recently joined the University and wish to claim for removal and visa expenses. What do I need to do?

The relocation expenses policy can be viewed below. Relocation expense claim forms are processed by the relevant School HR Adviser. Details of who to contact can be found below.

I am sponsored on a Skilled Worker visa (previously called Tier 2 (General)) and need to renew/extend my visa. What do I need to do?

Your HR Adviser will contact you approximately 3 months prior to your Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) expiry date. If you do not wish to switch to an alternate visa route such as a Global Talent visa, you will be issued with a new Certificate of Sponsorship to support your Skilled Worker visa application. It is important to ensure you submit your visa application before your current CoS expires and the HR Adviser will support you with this. If you are on a Tier 2 (General) visa, you will be supported to switch to a Skilled Worker visa (the new name for a Tier 2 (General) visa). An overview of the UKVI’s Skilled Worker visa application process can be found below.

Once the visa is granted, you should inform the relevant HR Adviser in the HR Services Team so that an online share code check can be completed.

I also need to renew my family's visas. What do I need to do?

Applications for their visa renewals can be submitted with yours. We can provide links to UKVI guidance. If you require any support when completing their visa applications, you should seek independent legal advice. An overview of the UKVI’s Skilled Worker application process including family visas can be found below.

What if my visa is not received before my current visa expires? Does this affect my right to work?

Provided the correct steps are followed, you should be able to continue to work whilst your visa extension application is being processed. It is important that you apply for your new visa before your current CoS expires to ensure you have submitted an 'in time' application. UKVI’s information on extending your visa can be found below.

You should provide your HR Adviser for your School or Department, with the acknowledgement from the UKVI containing your Unique Application Number. With your permission, the team can use this unique reference to complete an Employer Checking Service application. This must be done before your CoS expiry date. This check should result in the UKVI issuing a Positive Verification Notice valid for 6 months which will serve as your right to work whilst your visa application is being progressed. You should provide the HR Adviser in the HR Services Team a share code so that an online check can be completed.

I have received a letter from the UKVI rejecting my visa application, how can I obtain help?

The Recruitment and Resourcing Tean can look at the letter from the UKVI rejecting your application and with your permission can contact our UKVI Premium Service Account Manager on your behalf to investigate further. UKVI has some information on their website in relation to visa rejections and appeals, however it is recommended that you either contact the UKVI directly or seek independent legal advice from a Home Office approved Immigration Adviser.

How do I ensure I am complying with UKVI compliance requirements relating to my Skilled Worker sponsorship (previously called Tier 2 (General) sponsorship)?

When joining the University’s employment, you are issued with a form which sets out your responsibilities and those of your line manager. This includes recording details of your absences in your Outlook calendar and keeping your address and contact details updated in my.HR. The Recruitment and Resourcing Team also send out annual reminders including a guidance document on the UKVI compliance responsibilities. You will be required to confirm that your address and contact details are correct and provide a summary of your absences.

If you are unsure of the compliance responsibilities, please contact the Recruitment and Resourcing Team.

I am a member of staff on a Skilled Worker visa, how much time can I spend out of the country without this affecting my immigration status and the possibility to apply for ILR?

To find out whether you are eligible to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain or information on the application process and criteria please use the link below. 

For additional guidance on calculating your continuous period of residence within the UK please visit the link below. To be eligible to apply for ILR you must not have spent more than 180 days outside the UK in any 12 month period of the five year qualifying period. All absences from the UK are counted.

If you are preparing to apply for ILR and require a letter from the University confirming your employment and absences from the UK please contact the HR Services Team.

Does time spent abroad on University and research-related business also affect my immigration status?

For additional guidance on calculating your continuous period of residence within the UK please visit the link below. 

Since October 2019, periods of research outside the UK are no longer counted against the limit on absences. The new rule only applies to Tier 2 (General)/Skilled Worker visa holders who are sponsored under the Researcher and Lecturer occupation codes.

If you require confirmation of your occupation code, this can be found on your Certificate of Sponsorship or alternatively contact the HR Services Team. 

I am an international staff member eligible to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain as I have been in the UK for over 5 years. Can I obtain help with my application?

To find out whether you are eligible to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain or information on the application process please use the link below.

If you are preparing to apply for ILR and require a letter from the University confirming your employment and absences from the UK, please contact the HR Services Team. Absences covering the 5-year period will be required. These are not recorded centrally so you will need to provide Human Resources with these details. The Payroll Team can also provide you with certified payslips to include with your application. If you require assistance with completion of the application form, it is recommended you obtain your own legal advice.  To find a Home Office approved Immigration Adviser, please see the link below. 

Useful Links & Resources