Rest Breaks

Rest breaks are pre-arranged periods of time, typically 30 minutes, to allow you a period of rest during an assessment.

  • You can use as much or as little of your rest break allocation as you wish at one time e.g., 1 break of 30 minutes, 3 of 10 minutes, 6 of 5 minutes etc. 
  • Rest breaks can be taken at any time during the assessment, including within the first 30 minutes. 
  • If you do not need to take a break, you would work through your standard assessment duration; you do not have to take a break if you do not need to.

How to use breaks for in-person assessments

Raise your hand to alert the invigilator.

The invigilator will pause your assessment time and accompany you to the rest break area. You must not talk about work or the assessment during your rest break, and you will not be allowed to access unauthorised items.

When you are ready to return to the assessment, the invigilator will accompany you back to the room and start your assessment time again.

How to use breaks for remote/on-line assessments

Student Records and Operations will advise you prior to each Semester’s assessment period how your rest breaks will be allocated/used.

For in-class assessments, you should contact your departmental administrator to ask for details on how breaks are being managed.

What to do next?

You should check your current assessment adjustments via your self-service portal here.

If they are not as you are expecting, you can find different ways to contact us on our accessing support pagePlease bear in mind that there are deadlines for adjustments to be in place for exams.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know what adjustments I鈥檝e already got in place at University?

Visit your self-service page here and view the ‘disability’ tab

What paperwork do you need from me to arrange assessment support?

For more information please view our SWAI Evidence Policy

Will adjustments stay in place for the duration of my studies?

Yes, they will. This includes upon your return from any placement or LOA etc.

I had a rest breaks for School assessments, will I automatically get this for my University assessments?

No, you will need to register with SWAI and be reassessed.

I think I might need rest breaks for my assessments, what should I do?

Please contact us to request the adjustment you require and one of our advisers will review your request. You can find different ways to contact us on our accessing support page.

Last Updated: 1st December 2023