Your responsibilities

Your responsibilities

What the University expects of you.

Whether you hold a Student visa or other type of immigration permission, there are certain things that we expect you to do.

Maintaining your right to study (passport and visa checks)

You must ensure that you have a valid visa at all times when you are in the UK and that this visa allows you to study at 海角社区 University. If we cannot confirm your right to study, it will be necessary to suspend you from your programme. If you are a Student visa holder, this may lead to the withdrawal of your Student visa sponsorship.

You must undertake an in-person right to study check at registration and in the following circumstances:

  • You obtain a new passport (same or different nationality) or visa (including replacement documents). Please book an appointment for a right to study check within 5 days of receiving your new documents or your return to the UK
  • You are returning from a Leave of Absence, or period of reassessment without attendance. This check must be completed before you rejoin your programme
  • You are a distance learning student travelling to the University for a period of in-person teaching. This check must be completed before you attend your taught sessions

You must tell us immediately if your immigration circumstances change, for example:

  • Your visa is due to expire before the end of your programme and you have made a new visa application in the UK. We will need to see evidence of your visa application
  • Your visa application is refused or rejected by UKVI (even if you have submitted an appeal or request for administrative review)
  • Your visa is cancelled by UKVI
  • Your visa is shortened by UKVI and the new expiry date is before the end of your programme
  • You submit a claim for asylum within the UK
More about right to study checks

Visa refusals and appeals/administrative reviews

If you apply for a UK visa and your application is refused, you must inform Student Records & Operations immediately as this may impact upon your right to study in the UK.  This applies regardless of the type of visa, or whether you have applied in the UK or overseas.  You must also inform us of the outcome of any appeal or administrative review.  If you have applied for a Student visa, the University is required to report the details to UKVI.

Understanding and following the conditions of your visa

You must follow the conditions of your visa at all times. If you hold a Student visa, this includes:

  • 海角社区ing the programme for which your visa was issued (or an alternative which has been formally approved by the University through the programme transfer process)
  • Not working more hours than permitted
  • Not undertaking prohibited work activities
  • Not overstaying your visa (i.e. not remaining in the UK after your visa has expired, unless you have made a new visa application)
  • Keeping UKVI informed of changes to your circumstances
  • Not accessing 'public funds'

We also strongly advise you to keep copies of your passport and other immigration documents.

Checking your new visa

When you receive a new visa we encourage you to check that all of the information is correct.  If you hold a Student visa, this must be for 海角社区 University. If you have a vignette (visa stamp in your passport) and/or a BRP, check that it shows 海角社区 University’s Sponsor Licence Number G9M4TDXV1. If your visa shows a different number, the letters ‘SPX’ only or no number at all, contact Student Records & Operations immediately as this will need to be resolved prior to registration/the resumption of your studies.

If you have a digital visa, check that the email from UKVI confirms that the visa was granted for 海角社区 University.  If it refers to another institution, contact Student Records & Operations immediately as this will need to be resolved prior to registration/the resumption of your studies.

If you need support to resolve errors on your BRP (e.g. your name, visa expiry date, or work entitlement), the Student Advice and Support Service can help. 


Guidance from the Student Advice and Support Service

Online Registration

As well as completing online registration at the start of your programme, if you are an undergraduate you will also need to re-register in advance of each academic year.  This also applies if you are taking a placement year.  If you are a postgraduate taught student studying for more than one year, you will not need to complete online re-registration but must ensure you keep your personal details, including addresses, up to date via Self-Service. 

If you have been given reassessment rights you must complete and submit your reassessment form as instructed. 

If you fail to re-register or return your reassessment form by the published deadlines, you will be considered to have abandoned your studies and your registration at the University will be terminated.  If you hold a Student visa, the University will need to withdraw your sponsorship.

Contact details

You must provide contact details (term time and permanent home address, a contact phone number and personal email) during online registration each year.  If any of your details change at other times, you must update them via the Self-Service portal.  

If you are living at your home address during term time because you are taking reassessments without attendance or are on a placement in your home country, please enter your home address as both your term time and permanent address.  

Keeping in touch

You must check your University email account regularly and ensure you follow any instructions in a timely fashion.  

Attendance and engagement

You are required to attend all timetabled teaching sessions for your programme and must must use the Digital Registers on the myLboro App to accurately record the classes you attend.  You must endeavour to meet all assessment deadlines and attend any scheduled exams or in-person tests unless you have a valid reason.  If your attendance is affected by circumstances outside of your control, e.g. illness or bereavement, talk to your School. Support is also available from Student Services. 

If you stop studying because you are taking a Leave of Absence or withdrawing, you must complete the appropriate form and submit it to your School in a timely fashion.

More about attendance and Digital Registers

Placement details

If you are undertaking a placement as part of your programme, you are expected to keep Co-Tutor up to date at all times and respond to any requests for information from your School.  If you hold a Student visa, the University has to advise UKVI of the placement details and it is important the information provided is accurate.  

Keeping your ATAS up to date

If you require ATAS clearance for your programme, you must update this if there are changes to your programme, such as:

  • Your programme end date is delayed by more than 3 months
  • You will be studying modules which were not on your original ATAS application
  • You want to transfer to a new programme

If asked to do so, you should provide the University with evidence of your ATAS application.

More about ATAS