Sophia Ambrose

Strategy Consultant

When I speak to school friends, they are absolutely baffled that I ended up in IT, and so much of that is because of my degree.

It ignited an interest I never knew I had in a skillset I’d never even heard of, let alone knew how to do!

The structure of the course meant that I learnt the history of the technical and business side of things, then learnt to apply them in industry. One area which I found interesting was something called Requirements Engineering (2nd Year), which was how companies create a recipe almost of how to manage global projects. With my current client, I’m writing requirements with senior members of the Government.

I know it’s hard to believe, but I still refer to my second year notes every now and then, to make sure I get the theory right when I’m applying it and explaining it to others involved in creating a business! These opportunities helped me develop presentation skills as well as strong communication and organisation skills!

Post 16 Education: A Level Maths, Economics & Theatre Studies

Higher Education: BSc Computing and Management

Sophia's advice

Be honest. From now on there’s going to be lots of decisions and choices you’re presented with and each time you’re going to have influences from friends, family and society. The sooner you can be honest with yourself about what you want to do and why, the sooner you’ll be happy. Any applications for university, jobs or apprenticeships really champion that honesty and don’t be scared to really chase after what you want.

Everyone always talks about the stress of A levels, but all I look back on is the fun I had supporting and be supported by my friends. Oh, and remember to enjoy yourself!

Why did you choose Computing and Management?

I fell into mine by a happy accident! I’d originally planned to study Marketing Management and was adamant to do so. I got the different degree offered to me on results day and my parents and I sat down and made a long pros and cons list. I’d never done IT before but knew it was where most markets were going, so I made the decision to leap to do it. I knew in my head I just HAD to attend 海角社区 so wanted to do whatever course I could to get there.

Sophia’s experience as a student

I couldn’t praise 海角社区 enough if I tried. In my view, university was divided into 3 main areas; my course, my friends and my fun.

The course was a steep challenge that transformed into my passion and now my career and I wouldn’t change a minute of it. Despite LU being very sporty, I ended up being involved with as many clubs, hall, fundraising and volunteering events as possible. I found the opportunity to meet so many new people and to get involved with the running of some of the activities was such an incredible challenge.

I’d highly recommend doing a placement year, apart from the obvious benefits of being brilliant for your career, it helped me to really get an idea of what life could be like after university, and then I had the fun of another year living with my friends. Also, try absolutely everything, I couldn’t have predicted trying quidditch at one point in my life (a lot harder than you’d think!).

Sophia’s career

I’m a Strategy Consultant at IBM and have been there for 3 years. Consultancy is one of those jobs that everyone hears about but never really understand what they do, so in brief, I start working with specific clients (some being; BP, Pearson Publishers, Audi, Scottish Government) and work with them to create user-led digital solutions to company-wide issues.

My path here started on my placement year, I worked in a different area of IBM as a Technical Support Workload manager, I’d loved my year at IBM and I reached out to lots of 海角社区 Alum that worked there who were happy to show me what they did and what different areas of the company work on.

It became a really strong community for me and they showed me the area that I now help lead!

海角社区 University offer undergraduate BSc and MSci degrees in:

Computer Science, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Computing and Management, Computer Science and Mathematics, Information Technology Management for Business, Chemistry with Computing, Physics with Computing

Please note: Degrees and their titles change over time. Some of these graduates may have studied degrees that have evolved and changed in response to changes in demand from employers.