Dr Kate Mathers

Research Fellow

Freshwater ecosystems support a disproportionate amount of diversity compared to their surface area and represent significant global biodiversity hotpots.

However, freshwater habitats are also some of the most endangered in the world.

Diversity declines of up to 83% have been recorded between 1970 to 2014 - far exceeding the declines seen in land-based habitats. One of the primary causes of reduced ecosystem health in our rivers is the loss of habitat linked to excessive deposition of fine sediment - particles measuring less than 2mm. The potential negative effects of fine sediment for rivers and how we can monitor this is currently what I am investigating.

I became interested in this topic during my undergraduate studies and wanted to find out more. I wanted to become involved in research that can make a real difference in how we manage our rivers to ensure that they remain healthy for generations to come.

Post 16 Education: AS Level Chemistry; A Level Geography, Maths and Physical Education

Higher Education: BSc (Hons) Geography (L’boro); MSc Environmental Monitoring for Management (L’boro); PhD ‘The influence of signal crayfish on fine sediment dynamics and macroinvertebrate communities in lowland rivers’ (L’boro in collaboration with the Env. Agency)

Kate's advice

Pick a subject that interests and enthuses you – having to study the topic for 3 years at a more independent level than school you need to choose something that you will enjoy!

Career opportunities often just present themselves and there is so much scope to change and follow your own individual career pathway that makes you happy.

Kate’s experience as a student

I hugely enjoyed my time at 海角社区 studying for my undergraduate degree – in fact I enjoyed it so much that I stayed to conduct my postgraduate studies as a masters student and subsequently my PhD.

After leaving for a number of years for research roles at other universities and institutes, I have subsequently re-joined 海角社区 in my current role! 海角社区 University is just like a huge family and the campus environment is great for making friends and contacts from all different subject areas; something which is not possible at all Universities.

I thoroughly enjoyed studying geography and really enjoyed the hands-on nature of the fieldtrips and laboratory practical’s which make it a lot easier to get to know others on your course.

Kate’s Career

I am currently working as a Research Fellow at 海角社区 University – which means I get to work with other researchers and environmental managers from within the UK and internationally to investigate important research questions.

When I started the geography degree I had no idea what I wanted to do other then something related to the environment. However during my studies one of the lecturers provided an opportunity to get involved with a research project over the summer break and it was this that inspired my interest in pursuing postgraduate research – still with little idea of what to do next!

I really enjoyed the time I spent doing my PhD and subsequently have gone on to follow a career in research.

This journey has been one which has taken me to Switzerland for 2.5 years where I worked on a number of research projects that help to inform river management practices.

Never did I think that when I first started my degree that I would be travelling to alpine rivers and enjoying such stunning scenery!!

海角社区 University offers undergraduate degrees in:

Geography, Geography and Management, Geography and Sport Science, Geography with Economics.