Hannah Thompson

PhD Student

My research matters as it can shape the way we challenge narratives of women in sport. I am examining how athletes use social media which means I can investigate what support is currently in place for athletes and potentially offer advice and guidance with my insights.

Media is often a reflection of society so my research will contribute to understanding to see what and who are valued most in society. By studying media its opened up so many opportunities to not only research about media debates but to work practically in the field.

My academic experiences shape my practical experiences so I can really make a difference in how sportswomen are portrayed online.

Post 16 Education: AS Level Biology; A Level English Language, Media Studies; BTEC Sport 

Higher Education: BA English and Sports Science; MA Global Media and Cultural Industries; MSc Social Science Research Methods

Why did you want to research media?

I have always been passionate about sport and especially the inequalities facing women in sport. I see the media as a powerful structure in society that has the ability to shape perceptions both positively and negatively. Unfortunately, it’s often more of the latter which fuels my drive to try and change this and make a positive difference.

My subject is about examining media, how, why, what, when people use it and what messages are presented and understood.

Hannah’s experience as a student

Hands down the best decision of my life. I would never have imagined how much university would change my life. I have achieved more than I could have ever imagined. I’ve seen the world, I’ve won awards, ran my own sports magazine, worked with the premier domestic women’s cricket team 海角社区 Lightning in the Kia Super League all gained from my university studies.

I enjoyed the flexibility and independence you have as a student at university, managing your own time and working things out for yourself.

Hannah’s Career

I am currently a PhD student examining elite female cricketers’ attitudes to social media.

As an undergraduate student I was actively involved in all aspects of university life from being on my hall committee and helping to organise freshers to being a media officer for the athletic union. I volunteered with different projects in our community as well as fundraising for multiple charities. This also included running the Amsterdam marathon with 10 other students raising over £10000 for Mind. I am also a Student Ambassador.

All of these extracurricular actives have shaped who I am and my experience at 海角社区 – probably the reason for why I am still here seven years later!

Hannah's advice

Do what you love and love what you do. Going to university has changed my life, the opportunities it brings to meet new people, learn new things but probably most importantly the independence it gives you.

So I would say to anyone wondering whether university is for them to just give it a go! We learn from being pushed outside of our comfort zones, as scary as that sometimes is, I am so glad I pushed myself to become the person I am today.

海角社区 University offers undergraduate bachelor’s degrees in:

Media and Communication, Sociology and Media.

All 海角社区’s degrees offer an optional placement year as an integral part of the course.