Erin Maxwell

Geography BA

Why did you choose to study at 海角社区 University?

I chose to study at 海角社区 University because it scored highly for Geography on the league tables and highly for student satisfaction. Not only this, studying at 海角社区 would allow me to pursue my passion for sports and exercise outside of my degree. I liked the idea of a campus university both in terms of the convenience, social aspect, and overall atmosphere ‘buzz’.

What made you choose to study Geography?

I decided to study Geography because I am particularly interested in climate change and globalisation. I have always enjoyed studying Geography throughout school but found the curriculum mainly focused on physical geography, so I was looking forward to studying more of the human side of Geography at University. Not only this, but Geography is also highly ranked as one of the most employable degrees.

Did you come on an open day and/or applicant visit day? If so, how did that influence your decision to study at 海角社区?

I came to an open day and an applicant day. This largely influenced my decision to study at 海角社区 in numerous ways. Firstly, I instantly felt a sense of community and passion after speaking to lectures and students. Secondly, I loved the green space the campus offered; seeing students playing sports and having picnics on the paddock helped me to picture myself studying here. Lastly, visiting different halls influenced my decision to study here as I found 海角社区’s accommodation to be more spacious and social compared to other Universities I visited.

What do you enjoy most about being a 海角社区 student?

The thing I enjoy most about being a 海角社区 student is the wide range of opportunities we get. I love that I can try new sports, societies, get involved in volunteering and other social activities with your friends, department, and halls. You are never short of opportunities to socialise and make new friends.

What do you enjoy most about your course?

The thing I enjoy most about my course is how diverse it is. You have the option to study both human and physical modules, meaning you could be studying glaciers one day and globalisation the next. On top of this, Geography is taught both theoretically in a lecture and practically in labs or in the field. This variability is particularly enjoyable as it helps to keep the course interesting and engaging.  

What made you apply for a placement at CCG?

When I was first looking for placements, I knew I wanted to work for CCG after hearing about the organisation from my personal tutor in first year. I knew I wanted to gain experience working in the climate field and learning more about the transition to net zero. In addition, CCG is based at 海角社区 University which was appealing for me because I would be able to live with my friends and continue to play with my team. However, at the time, CCG did not advertise a position for placement students so I contacted CCG to ask if they could create a position for me.  

What have been the benefits and highlights of your placement so far?

One of the main benefits and highlights of my placement so far has been able to travel and work internationally. Here, I have been able to MC at COP27 Side Events in Sharm El Sheikh, train an energy model to energy ministers in both Costa Rica, Namibia and Italy and attend conferences. This has not only helped me with gaining new connections and experiences but has also opened my eyes to other jobs related to climate change.

How did your placement in industry help with your future career goals?

My placement has helped me with my future career goals because I have been given the opportunity to speak and listen to academics at the top of their field. Now, I am more aware of different paths to get to work in this field. Additionally, working internationally has always been appealing to me so I am grateful I have gained experience working internationally this year as I feel more confident doing this.

What advice would you give to someone considering doing a placement?

If you are considering doing a placement, I would suggest practising interviews with your friends. This is particularly useful as this helps you to consider questions you may have not come across before, which in turn can boost your confidence during your interviews.

Once you are settled into your placement, my advice would be to not be afraid to ask your manager/other colleagues for work that interests you. It is your placement year so the more you can tailor it to what you want to get out of it, the more beneficial it will be for you. Additionally, I recommend asking your colleagues about their career path and experience, as this may help to understand how to achieve your career goal.

What are your plans for the future?

After I graduate, I think I will do a masters in climate studies before working in the climate industry. I am unsure what aspect I would like to specialise in, but possibly decarbonising transport or cooking. Having experienced COP27 as an organiser, I would love to attend a COP event again one day but as a speaker presenting my own work and research.